Expression of interest for SA Story City

Expressions of interest (EOI) are now open for a new Story City project in Adelaide, thanks to the City of Port Adelaide Enfield.

We are looking for an Adelaide-based writer to join our production team this year to create a new choose-your-own-adventure-style story in Port Adelaide.

The writer will be paid between $1500-$1600 (depending on which EOI you apply for), and all short-listed writers will be invited to attend a PD workshop on digital writing and locative literature. This professional development workshop will provide you not only with training in writing for apps and the digital space, but is an incredible networking opportunity to create your own projects outside of Story City with like minded creatives (which often get promoted via the Story City network).

To download an EOI application form for the City of Port Adelaide project, please go to:

Applications close for the City of Port Adelaide Project on 5pm Monday 4th July 2016, so hurry and apply now!

This is an unique opportunity to challenge yourself and your writing as a couple of other SCBWI members can already attest. See the blog posts here:

We look forward to your applications. We hope to have more EOIs due to go out in the second half of the year so stay tuned.

Dimity Powell