10am—Library Opens
10:15-10:30am—Opening and welcome by Pauline and Susanne
10:30-11:00am—Digital Collage with Sean E Avery
Using a combination of traditional media for warmth and digital media for versatility, Sean E Avery builds and shapes picture book worlds and characters that delight critics and kids alike. Join him for a live illustration demonstration as he describes the digital collage process he used to create his bestselling, award-winning picture book, Frank's Red Hat.
11:05-11:55am—Creating Great Characters: Diversity and Family Dynamics with Alison Stegert and Kate Foster
Map family history and relationships to enhance your character, then dive into the dos and don'ts of writing underrepresented people sensitively and fairly.
12:05-12:45pm—Lunch and Book Sales
12:50pm-1:20pm—Creating Great Picture Books: Putting Pictures to Thousands of Words with Cheryl Orsini
What I’ve learnt from drawing pictures and colouring-in for a living. Stories from the art department desk and the happy mistakes in my studio.
1:25pm-2:15pm—Creating Great Series: Alexa Moses, Nathan Luff and Kate Wenban
Join successful authors, Nathan and Alexa, and publisher Kate, as they share their secrets about what makes a great series that kids love!
2:25pm-2:50pm—Afternoon Tea and Book Sales
3:05-3:35pm—Laura Harris: Storyteller, teacher, enchanter? A great kids' book creator is always a great enchanter!
On distinguishing your writing and illustrations from a sea of sameness.
3:40-4:10pm—Pitch to Publishers: Laura Harris, Kate Wenban
In our final nail-biting session, watch SCBWI creators get their chance to pitch their projects live to two industry professionals.
4:10pm-4:15pm—Wrap up