Have you ever wanted to get in touch with other writers or illustrators with similar interests, goals and challenges? Do you want to share your work and learn from others?
Exciting news! If you are a SCBWI Member you need look no further.
Members interested in becoming active participants of an Online Critique Group can now register their interest and be linked to a like-minded group through SCBWI’s (Australia East) Online Critique Committee.
SCBWI Australia East has run Online Critiques Groups for members since 2015.
Most groups provide opportunities for beginning and emerging writers/illustrators and have proved very successful enabling them to get in touch, share and learn from each other. Many members of these groups have grown together and have been successful in obtaining publication. These groups will continue as usual.
Great news! PAL Online Critique Groups are now here.
We are adding PAL (Published and Listed) groups in addition to existing groups. If you are a published PAL member you can now apply to join one of our new PAL Online Critique Groups. These groups will provide an opportunity for published PAL members to discuss, share and critique current writing and illustrative projects in a professional environment. To find the SCBWI guidelines and list of PAL Publishers CLICK HERE.
What is an On-line Critique Group?
It is a small group of writers and/or illustrators who view and make comments on member’s manuscripts/illustrations on a rotation basis in a confidential and supportive online environment. Members can share useful ideas and resources, and encourage each other towards the eventual goal of getting their work published. The rotation frequency can be varied according to the needs of each group.
What is expected of members?
Members are expected to be active participants in their group. They should be open to receiving constructive criticism of their own work and provide constructive feedback to members on a regular basis. (see ‘How to Critique’ Guidelines or download pdf)
What kind of groups can members join?
The following categories are offered in both regular and PAL groups:
There are three Picture Book categories (Approx.ages 3-6 but can be for any age)
Picture Book (Writers and Illustrators combined)
Picture Book (Illustrators only)
Picture Book (Writers only)
Non-Fiction Picture Books (3-6 yrs or any age) and Junior Fiction/Chapter Books (6-8 yrs) (Writers and Illustrators combined)
Junior Fiction/Chapter books (Approx. ages 6-8)
Middle Grade (Approx. ages 8-12)
Upper Middle Grade/Teens (Approx. ages 12-14)
Young Adult (Approx. ages 15+) (mature themes and issues)
Mixed Groups (where you can specify two categories)
How many members are there in a group?
There are usually a maximum of six members in each group which allows each participant to have their work critiqued every six weeks on a weekly rotation. The rotation frequency can be varied fortnightly/monthly etc according to the needs of each group.
Who runs the Group?
The members run each group according to the Guidelines (see Critique Group Guidelines or download pdf). All members are equal. Each group will include one member who has indicated on the form below that they are happy to help with the initial set up of the group. This member will be asked by the Online Critique Group Coordinator to act as the Group Facilitator by setting up a Shared Dropbox Folder for group communication. The Group Facilitator will be the contact person between the group and the Online Critique Groups Coordinator.
How Does an Online Critique Group Work?
Each group will work out a submission schedule according to the needs of the group. For example, each member of the group, in a six week rotation, will be allocated a week to submit work to be critiqued. That person posts their work online on the Sunday of that week and receives feedback from all the other members by the following Sunday. Once members receive all feedback they delete that version of their work from the site. The rotation frequency can be varied fortnightly/monthly etc according to the needs of each group. (see ‘How to Critique’ Guidelines or download pdf)
How do members communicate?
Once a group is formed a Shared Dropbox Folder is set up by the Group Facilitator so only members of that group have access. Members take turns in posting their manuscript or illustrative work each week or fortnight etc and remove the file after they receive feedback from all other members (see Dropbox Information).
How to register:
Read the Frequently Asked Questions
Read the Critique Group Guidelines
Read the ‘How to Critique’ Guidelines
When you have read all the information listed above and you feel committed to being an active member of the group click on the appropriate link.
Application to join a PAL (Published and Listed) SCBWI Online Critique Group. (To find the SCBWI guidelines and list of PAL Publishers CLICK HERE.)
When you apply you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of you application. When a group becomes available you will receive a Welcome email from the Online Critique Coordinator which will include:
Contact details and a short bio of the group Facilitator and other members
The Critique Group Guidelines outlining group procedures and submission details for work to be critiqued
When the Group Facilitator has set up the Shared Dropbox Folder you will receive an email with a link asking you to join it.
The waiting time to join a group will vary according to the number of members interested in joining a group and the number of groups that have places available at any one time.
SCBWI members who would like to be in the mixed groups or be in the same group can make that request when registering.
You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your application. You will be placed into a critique group as a place becomes available. That can take a fortnight, a few weeks or in some cases, a couple of months or more. If placement hasn't been made in about a month you will receive an update email from our critique coordinator regarding your application with some alternative suggestions that might interest you.
When we have found a suitable group for you, we will send you an email introducing your group facilitator and explaining how you join the Shared Dropbox Folder for your critique group.
Application to join a PAL (Published and Listed) SCBWI Critique Group. (To find the SCBWI guidelines and list of PAL Publishers CLICK HERE.)