New PB for Susannah Crispe and Isabelle Duff

Congratulations to illustrator Susannah Crispe and author Isabelle Duff on the upcoming publication of

The Real Cowgirl

a hardback picture book for 4-8 year-olds published by Exile Publishing

5 June 2024

Sal wants to be a real cowgirl - brave, strong, wild, fierce and kind. She feels safe and strong at home, but she finds going to school is scary and isolating. A heart-warming story about being yourself and finding bravery through friendship.

An inspiring story about the people – and animals – who make us brave, perfect for young readers who are struggling with nerves or anxiety.

This looks gorgeous and relatable for many.

Noteable Award for Susannah Crispe

Congratulations to illustrator Susannah Crispe whose picture book

Where the Heart Is

written by Irma Gold and published by EK Books was the

WINNER of the Children’s Small Press category for 2021 of the

ACT Noteable Awards

These awards showcase the writing talent of the ACT region.

Poignant, moving, funny and heartfelt, Where the Heart Is is a celebration of friendship and nature. Based on the true story of a rescued Magellanic penguin, it explores the deep bond that can form between humans and animals.

Congratulations to everyone involved!