I am pleased to report that we now have another Online Critique Group successfully up and running, bring the total number to eight, covering all genres from Picture Books to Young Adult. I continue to receive positive emails from members who find the critique feed-back extremely valuable and enjoy the support and interaction with other writers and illustrators.
Unfortunately, as we all know life sometimes gets in the way of good intentions and some members have had to take leave of absence or drop out completely from their Critique Groups due to family issues, new babies or work commitments and so on.
Fortunately these critique groups are continuing but some are in desperate need of additional members to top up their numbers to form well-balanced groups offering robust critiquing.
So if you have been thinking that you would like to join a Critique Group but you haven’t got around to filling in the on-line form, now is the time to do so.
We would love to have new members, published and ‘keen to be published’, in all the genres to form new groups and, in particular, to supplement the following existing groups:
- PB Writers
- JF
- YA
- PB Illustrators only
- Illustrators
If you are interested please read the information and register On-line by 1st December 2015. PLEASE NOTE: there will be no placements into groups from Friday 4th December 1015 until 20th January 2016 when placements in groups will proceed as normal according to availability.
One Critique Group member has already had an offer from a publisher for her Picture Book manuscript and is waiting to see the success of on-going negotiations. Another member has had a publisher express an interest in her submission. Both of these authors revised their manuscripts after receiving their On-line Critiques.
So sign-up and look forward to receiving constructive and useful critiques that will encourage and help you to re- shape and improve your art work or writing towards your publishing goal.
Margaret Roc
Critique Group Coordinator