New MG for Nathan Luff

Congratulations to author Nathan Luff on the upcoming publication of

Family Disasters: Road Rage

Cover illustration by Chris Kennett

a paperback middle grade fiction for ages 8 and above published by Scholastic Australia

1 June 2024

After escaping an erupting volcanic island only to have their cruise ship intercepted by a cyclone, Jakob thought surely his family’s holiday troubles were over. But nothing so far has prepared Jakob for a horrendous family road trip!

This looks like one wild drive!

New JF for Nathan Luff and Chris Kennett

Congratulations to author Nathan Luff and illustrator Chris Kennett on the publication of

Family Disasters: Storm Warning

a Paperback junior fiction for ages 8+ published by Scholastic Australia

01 November 2023

Book 2 in the Family Disasters series sees Jakob and his family embarrassing themselves onboard a cruise liner while a cyclone brews out at sea.

These books sound like a lot of fun! What else can go wrong for this family?

New JF for Nathan Luff

Congratulations to author Nathan Luff on the publication of

Family Disasters: Crash Landing

A junior fiction paperback for ages 8 plus, published by Scholastic Australia

1 June 2023

illustrated by Chris Kennett

After a super embarrassing situation at school, Jakob decides the only way to escape the ridicule is to leave the country on a family holiday. But with his family, fresh humiliation is around every corner.