New book for Jenny Blackford

Congratulations to Jenny Blackford on the publication of

Fil and Harry

a junior fiction book illustrated by Kristin Devine and published by Christmas Press.

Fil always suspected that her cat Harry could talk if he really tried. She even dreamed about it. But it was still a shock when he did start talking, on the worst afternoon of her life–or one of them.

Activities and teachers’ notes are available on the The United Publishers of Armidale website.

FIL AND HARRY will be launched as part of the Maitland Indie Festival, at the Maitland Regional Art Gallery, on Saturday, 29 May 2021 from 11:15 am. Register for a free ticket.

fil and harry.jpg

New junior fiction for Jenny Blackford

Congrats to Jenny Blackford on the publication of


The Girl in the Mirror

Illustrated by Fiona McDonald

Published by Eagle Books, in paperback

For ages 9 - 13.

Maddy is miserable in her scary new school, until she meets Clarissa, an 1890s girl, through the mirror on their bedroom wall. But Maddy’s baby brother gets terribly sick, and Clarissa’s mother is in danger from the same lurking evil.

Sounds very intriguing - congrats again Jenny!