New PB for Katrina Germein and Suzanne Houghton

Congratulations to author Katrina Germein and illustrator Suzanne Houghton on the upcoming publication of

Fabulous Frogs

a hardback non-fiction picture book for ages 5-9 published by CSIRO Publishing

October 2024

Australian frogs are fabulous! Did you know that some frogs change colour? Some frogs would rather walk than jump and some even have pouches! A fun celebration of unique Aussie frogs and our precious natural environments.

Book Launch - Fabulous Frogs will be launched in Adelaide on Saturday November 9 at the Felixstow Reserve wetlands. Special guest Steve Walker (FrogWatch SA Coordinator/Green Adelaide Education Officer) will be leading a nature walk and sharing even more frog facts. All ages.

Hop along to the book launch for a ribbet-ing read and nature walk!