New Adult NF PB for Lara Cain Gray, Lorena Carrington and Timothy Ide

Congratulations to author Lara Cain Gray and illustrators Lorena Carrington and Timothy Ide on the upcoming publication of

The Grown-Up's Guide to Picture Books

a hardback non-fiction picture book for Adults and YA published by MidnightSun Publishing

01 Sep 2024

This guide helps to level up your reading experiences, empowering yourself and young readers around you to dive deeper into what makes a great picture book GREAT. With histories, insights and handy talking points for shared reading – at all ages!

Book Launch -
Sydney: Gleebooks, Saturday 7th September, 6pm. Launched by Jules Faber.
Brisbane: Where The Wild Things Are, Wednesday 11th September, 6.30pm. With illustrator Lorena Carrington, launched by Megan Daley.

Journey down the rabbit hole with this unique A-Z of creating picture books!