New MG for Craig Cormick

Congratulations to author Craig Cormick on the upcoming publication of

Superheroes for a Day

Illustrations by Lauren Mullinder

a paperback middle grade for ages 10-14 published by Exisle Publishing

July 2024

In Superheroes for a Day, three Autistic friends – Max, Daniel, and Natalie – use their unique abilities to save their school from endless maths.  Using their unique abilities, like heightened memory, they turn their differences into superpowers.

Author Craig Cormick said, “I have a son with Autism who has a strong sense of humour and is an avid reader. He is unable to find books with kids like himself in them. So I wrote one for him”.

Book Launch - Sunday 20 July, The Book Cow, Kingston, Canberra. 1 - 2 pm.

It is wonderful to see neurodivergent representation in children’s literature.