New PB for Adele Vincent

Congratulations to author Adele Vincent on the publication of

Butterflies Be Gone

co-author Loraine Rushton

illustrated by Andrew McIntosh

a hard back picture book for 3-8 year olds published by Little Steps Publishing

February 2023

When Jesse wakes up with butterflies in his tummy, he feels anxious about his day. But as he begins to move his body in special yoga poses, his body feels better and his imagination takes off.

The book is being welcomed by parents, paediatric chiropractors, child psychologists, teachers, librarians and children's yoga teachers. Listen to Dr Adele Vincent, neuroscientist turned yoga therapist, talking to chiropractors on their Three Little Things Podcast, episodes 38 and 39.  

Book launches with reading and yoga were held in Sydney and Hobart and were a great success, loved by all who attended from 3 year olds up to grandparents.

What a fantastic way to introduce the benefits of yoga to children and families!