SCBWI Success Story – SCBWI Vic's Jess Racklyeft receives Bologna Scholarship 

We are delighted that author, illustrator and SCBWI Vic member Jess Racklyeft has received a Bologna Scholarship. 

Jess, together with US-based creative Anden Wilder, has won flights, accommodation and entry to the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. They will also have the chance to display their portfolios on the SCBWI stand, be part of a live illustration battle, join the industry party, and have a portfolio review. 

Having attended the fair over a decade ago in a sales role, Jess says: "The chance to return and absorb the magic of the book fair, Bologna and be with the wonderful Australian book community sharing our work with the world is a true gift!"

Read on, as Jess shares how this incredible opportunity came about through SCBWI.

“Over a decade ago I sold books for an Australian publisher as a co-editions executive and I attended the fair in this sales role. It was an incredible experience to see the global publishing industry together – breathtaking and inspiring. However, with what felt like 607 meetings every day, my chance to absorb the full fair was limited. On the final day I had a short break and got to see the illustrators’ exhibition. I cried – a mixture of exhaustion and seeing the astonishing art hit me hard! I have never forgotten how special that moment was, and it really did push me to follow my dream and become an illustrator.


In late 2022, SCBWI announced their annual Bologna Scholarship competition, and without considering I had a super serious chance, I put together four colour images for 47 year olds, as requested. With a busy work schedule, young kids and Christmas looming, I had almost forgotten I had entered. 

In early 2023, I received an email from the head SCBWI team – with a large "Congratulations" in the subject line. I couldn't believe it – I think my scream from Melbourne may have been heard by them, in the US!

To return to the fair this year feels like a perfect circle. With now a decade of experience working as an illustrator and author, the chance to return and absorb the magic of the book fair, Bologna and be with the wonderful Australian book community sharing our work with the world is a true gift! It also feels like a kind of weight lifting after getting through some tough years in Melbourne during Covid – just the inspiration of being abroad will be bucket filling. But adding the opportunities of the fair and the support of SCBWI to network, share and grow, is a real honour. I hope to take a lot of photos and notes to bring back as much information for my SCBWI author and illustrator community back here too.” 

Congratulations, Jess. We hope you have an incredible time in Bologna!

Information for Jess’ images:

Books that Jess will be sharing at the fair include Big Cat (Allen and Unwin), as well as a translated example of Iceberg in French (Circonflexe), plus some travel snaps from the last time she went to Bologna.