SCBWI are very proud supporters of Room To Read, a charity that has improved the literacy levels and educational opportunities for over 32 million children and their families.
Since 2009 SCBWI writers and illustrators have helped Room to Read to spread the word about the importance of education and raised over $200,000 to support Room to Read’s literacy and girls’ education programs.
In 2023, join our team of writer ambassadors and DROP EVERYTHING AND READ!
You can choose any day of the year to ask students, teachers & schools to DROP EVERYTHING AND READ for 30 minutes and donate to Room to Read’s literacy program. It costs only $1 to put a local language story book on the shelf of a school library. It costs just $40 to fill a shelf.
This year we will be raising funds to support the organisation’s award-winning local language publishing program, creating beautiful picture books for children who need them in Asia and Africa. Over the past two decades Room to Read has become an influential leader in the field of children’s local language book development and distribution, publishing titles in 35 languages such as Khmer, Tamil and Swahili.
By DROPPING EVERYTHING AND READING you will be helping children learn to LOVE to read.
If you would like to find out how to support Room to Read’s incredible work through its literacy and gender equality programs, please contact Jodi Mullen who works alongside Jennie Orchard, managing our Students helping Students and Writer Ambassador programs.