SCBWI SA - Welcome to 2021

After a year of online events, it was wonderful to catch up in person for the SCBWI SA Welcome to 2021.

The Walkers Arms Hotel provided the perfect venue to enjoy a meal, drinks and a long-awaited catch up.

It was fantastic to see so many familiar faces and equally as exciting to welcome some of our new members who joined in 2020.

With almost a year’s worth of member news to share, conversation flowed throughout the night. In fact, we could’ve done with a few more hours and no-one would’ve been stuck for something to say.

As the evening wound up, most members were already looking forward to meeting up again at one of the many in-person events scheduled for 2021.

Our next event, Sketch and Scribble, will be held with the beautiful backdrop of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens on Sunday, March 21. This is the event of the year where the focus is on creativity and dabbling with new ideas.

Beverley McWilliams