Farewell SA ARA, Kelly Hibbert and welcome Lauren Mullinder

Back in 2013, I made a new year’s resolution to blog snippets of writing, day in and day out for an entire year. In the process, I gained a daily writing habit. And received the greatest of gifts from a US blogger – knowledge of a society for children’s writers and illustrators. Immediately, I abandoned all prior goals and set off in search of this international village known as SCBWI. 

On arrival, a warm welcome is far from all you receive. The giving nature of SCBWI becomes apparent from the moment you join and many, like me, seek a way to give back.

These past seven years on the SA committee, beginning with the role of treasurer, somehow managed to give me in return, just as much if not more than I gave.  And I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. My days of giving are not done!

Much love to the best chief villager, Susanne Gervay, for entrusting me first with the coordinator role for two years and then as Assistant Regional Advisor for a further two. You’ve been the most wonderful advisor, guide and leader. I’ve loved our laughs and every single conversation.  

A big SCBWI welcome to Lauren Mullinder. Have no fear SCBWI SA – our ever-increasing village of 70+ is in very capable hands.

Kelly Hibbert

When I first joined SCBWI, I felt immediately welcomed by this fantastic organisation. Every member is willing to lend a hand, share their knowledge and support each other. I was overwhelmed by the amazing community that SCBWI represents.

Joining the committee in 2020 and becoming the Assistant Coordinator in 2021, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Kelly and the team through all the laughs, late night phone calls, hair-pulling frustration and heart-warming moments that have filled the past 2-years.

Kelly has put an enormous amount of effort and passion in to building the SA SCBWI community to where it is today, and I am incredibly excited and privileged to be carrying on the baton for her.

I can’t wait to see where we go and how we grow moving forward into 2022!

Lauren Mullinder