SCBWI Victoria Meet & Greet

On July 11, the Victorian committee held their first online Meet & Greet for new members. Some of us brought along a hot cuppa in lieu of our usual catch up at Café Blac in Hawthorn. It was lovely to have 19 bookings and 14 actually attend.


Caz Goodwin our Assistant Regional Adviser, Victoria gave a brief overview of SCBWI and how it operates, pointing out that we are all volunteers. Caz explained that we are operating differently now due to the COVID-19 restrictions, with Zoom events rather than in-person events. She introduced the committee, Jess Racklyeft, Jo Burnell and Kaye Baillie and talked about their SCBWI roles and our own creative work.

We asked each person to introduce themselves and talk about whether they write, illustrate or both then opened up to questions which ranged from critique groups to agents to the submission process.

It was terrific to meet so many new members and we hope they can join us at future events and take part in the current online offerings through SCBWI Australia/NZ and in the US

Kaye forgot to take a screenshot but she will endeavour to remember next time. 😊

(That’s okay, Kaye!)