Katrina McKelvey's new picture book and launches

Congrats to Katrina McKelvey on the upcoming publication of


Isla’s Family Tree

illustrated by Prue Pittock

Published by EK Books, in hardback

For ages 4 - 8

Isla’s family is changing and she’s not happy! It’s time for Isla to explore her family tree so she can see how all families change and grow. The perfect book to show children how they belong in their own family.

To be launched twice:

MacLean’s Booksellers, Hamilton
Saturday 9th May @ 4pm. Wine and cheese!


Storytime, with Katrina and Prue
Wallsend Library
Saturday, 16th May @ 10am. Craft and prizes. All welcome!

And here’s the book trailer

Great marketing for an obviously very original book - congrats again Katrina