You have almost finished your book, you have taken it through the many drafts, the artwork is almost done, it feels like all that hard work is coming to an end….BUT now to the fun part….how to make sure your book makes a splash when it’s launched.
Jacqui Barton
Whether you’re pre-published, have one or many books published, it is important to promote your books so they find their way into the hands of readers who will love them. This process begins long before the book hits the shelves. But how do we do it? Where do we start? And is it the same strategy for each book?
On May 20, highly experienced marketing expert, Jacqui Barton, answered all our marketing questions and gave practical and simple advice on how to build your profile and create the best conditions for your book’s successful release.
Here's a little of what Jacqui had to say:
- As a kid who arrived from Chile at the age of 7 with no English, Jacqui quickly developed a passion for learning English. From the 3rd grade books were hugely important, and an author visit from H. E. Todd, changed her life. So began a life of loving books.
- She has been a teacher, drove the Magic Schoolbus for Scholastic, driving authors to regional schools, worked fro Pearson Education and now as the Education and Marketing Manager of HarperCollins. Her main task is to worm out how HC books fit into the education market.
- Her aim is to get HC books in front of booksellers, buyers, distributors and educators.
- With a new book, the author is the #1 asset to the publicity campaign.
- HC main questions are: How can we promote the author and book and how can they create a splash and keep the momentum going after release?
- Publishing houses have lots of books to promote so authors/illustrators need to be very proactive in promoting themselves and their books.
- Twice a year, HC have a creators' day, where they talk about strategies for promotion and publicity.
- Create a website that reflects you and your work. Add an option to sign up for a newsletter.
- Interviews: local radio, TV, newspapers, websites. Approach media in areas where you book is set, or community groups/societies which reflect your book or characters.
- Approach bookstores to do launches/events/readings/workshops/sign books.
- Even if you're not a fan of social media, it is very important. Choose the media that suits you best eg blog, twitter, Instagram, Facebook.
- Post regularly, not only about your books, but more broadly about who you are as a creator and person. eg interesting articles.
- Post fresh content.
- Tweets with images are more likely to be retweeted.
- Reviews are very helpful to get the word out there about your book.
- Write guest blogposts for friends.
- A person who has built up a good social media following eg like Jen Storer who has her blog, Girl and Duck.
Angie Schiavone
We also heard from our new SCBWI reviewer, Angie Schiavone, who will soon begin a regular review of SCBWI books called, Angie’s Reviews. Here's how you can put your book forward for review.
When you have a new book released, firstly congratulations! Then let us know by going to this link and filling out this form:
You will find options at the end of this form to have your book reviewed.
YES, I would like this book to be considered for 'Angie’s Reviews'
- Review Copies: YES, I understand that if my book is chosen for consideration I will need to forward a review copy to the postal address that will be provided and that sending a review copy is not a guarantee that my book will be reviewed.
Hope to see you at a SCBWI event soon.