Four Out the Door


Michigan has started a free program for illustrators in all regions. It is called Four out the Door and supports sending out postcards with artwork to ADs and Editors in the kidlit industry four times a year. We've expanded on this idea from other regions and offer a packet, articles and lots of inspiration. Please share!

Do you wonder how you can get on an art director’s or editor’s radar? Mailing a promotional postcard on a regular basis is the simplest self-promotion an illustrator can do!

Maybe you have good intentions to send several postcards a year, but end up falling short. Wouldn’t it be easier if you were pleasantly prodded and cheered on by your peers?

Join SCBWI Michigan illustrators in sending quarterly mailings on Feb. 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and Nov. 1st. To participate, e-mail us at saying you are up for the challenge.

Once you sign up, you receive a welcome e-packet about the basics of promotional mailings, online printing, what to include on your card and next steps, along with a digital badge you can use to share the news of our challenge.

Then check social media, as we post a series of articles on printing resources, production tips, encouragement and success stories over the coming weeks. 

You can share your postcards on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag: #4outthedoor.

We look forward to seeing what you create!