SA Spring Retreat

On Sunday the 11th of October, SA SCBWI hosted their Spring Retreat at The Astor Hotel in Adelaide. A group of 27 aspiring and published authors and illustrators gathered together, forming a haven of creativity and inspiration. 

We kicked of the day with fellow SA member, Mandy Foot, who shared her role in the process of illustrating children’s picture books. We were in awe of the thorough research, consideration and detail that she puts into each breathtaking spread. Many snapped up the opportunity to get their own signed copy of Mandy’s new book, ‘This Little Roo went to Market.’

Our next speaker was local YA author and new member, Rosanne Hawke, who took us on a journey into her creative mind. Rosanne’s ability to mesh history with fantasy, layer stories and create genuine characters was truly thought provoking. By this point, fingers were were beginning to twitch with renewed motivation.

Our last speaker was Adelaide picture book publisher, Jane Covernton, from Working Title Press. Jane shared some positive statistics on print sales (yay!) and some very helpful tips from Australian publishers and editors. We gained an insight into what publishing houses are currently seeking, as well as the market in other countries.

SCBWI members continued with an afternoon of invaluable sharing time- from useful resources to those burning questions. The creation of a bouquet of book-flowers for an unwell member was just another way to express what this group is really about- friendship and support for one another.

The perfect end to the day was not-a-book launch for Vikki Wakefield’s new novel,

‘Inbetween Days.’ Some champagne, some laughs, and of course, a new book to read- what more could anyone ask for?     
