SCBWI Queensland author awarded RADF Grant

Are you an author or illustrator who lives in regional or outback Queensland? You have the opportunity to apply for a grant to help develop your writing. Many creators aren’t aware that the Regional Arts Development Funding exists. Go check out the site now!

Queensland author, Taryn Bashford , from the Sunshine Coast has just been awarded an RADF Grant.


Here’s what Taryn says:

I’d like to give a shout out to the Sunshine Coast Regional Council and all those local councils out there who give grants to unpublished authors.

It’s hard to gain any financial support when you’re an unproven, unpublished writer. However, there’s a grant called the Minor Round Grant for regional arts development (RADF) and it really is easier than you think to apply. I had always been put off applying until I read a post like this.

I thought it would take hours and be too hard, but the Sunshine Coast Regional Council not only made the process easy, but also assigns you a grants officer who will answer your every call and email. Mine was invaluable.

I received $1,700 to attend the SCBWI Conference in Sydney in July 2014. I now have a literary agent who is managing submissions to several publishers – all of whom requested my manuscript at SCBWI.

I can’t encourage you enough to look up grants available from your local council. Good luck!

Well done, Taryn! Happy writing with your stories.

If anyone in the Brisbane City Council area is interested in applying for these types of creative development grants, check out the  Creative Sparks funding program.