How to share your new book or other news with members

Share your good news!

Each month we'll be keeping you up to date with news of new publications by members, and also any awards and competitions our members have won. So if you're a member and want to share your exciting news, please contact us and include the following information:

  • Title of book or name of award
  • Author website
  • Publisher and format(s)
  • Publisher's website
  • ISBN (if applicable)
  • Age group range
  • 40 word synopsis of book or information about award
  • Cover image: 72 dpi, no more than 200 px wide, saved as .jpg or .gif

Each news item can only be submitted once. Please don't send news that is more than 12 months old. Unfortunately submissions that don't follow the above format can't be accepted. 

Send all information to Charlotte Calder