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Literary Agent Kesia Lupo – Finding Your Voice

SCBWI QLD presents…

Finding Your Voice Writing Craft Workshop + Critique Group Success Stories

An Online Workshop featuring Kesia Lupo – YA Author, Former Senior Editor, US-based Literary Agent with The Bindery Agency.

Voice is both elusive and essential – hard to pin down and yet often easy to recognise. Drawing from her vast experience on both sides of the desk – writer and editor – Kesia will unpack this topic and provide tools to find and hone your voice. More details will follow.

About Kesia Lupo

Kesia Lupo studied History at Oxford University and Creative Writing at Bath Spa, then launched her publishing career at Pan Macmillan, London, as an editorial assistant in 2013. She transitioned from adult books to children’s when she joined boutique publisher Chicken House—then from a senior editorial role to agenting when she joined The Bindery in 2023. While her expertise lies in middle-grade and YA fiction, Kesia reads widely across genres, including adult SFF and horror, historical fiction, romance, and non-fiction. (Source of photo and text: Bindery website).

Special Assessment Opportunity!

Kesia has agreed to provide some written assessments. She’ll read and comment in writing on a cover letter, synopsis, and five pages of a completed project. Due to her current workload – 400 queries in her first few days of working as an agent (!), she can commit to five written assessments. We will arrange a random draw of five names of all participants who wish to access this (paid) opportunity.

T&Cs for the Special Opportunity

1. The assessment opportunity is available only to current members of SCBWI Australia East.

2. It includes written feedback only, i.e., no interview or face-to-face opportunity.

3. Your project should be query-ready as of 29 July, i.e., finished to a standard that is ready or near ready for querying.

4. We will conduct a random draw with an online name-drawing webtool. Five names will be selected from the pool of people who indicate their intention to participate on the registration form, a link to which will be included in your booking confirmation email.

5. The submitted material includes: a one-page cover letter, a one-page synopsis, and five pages of your text, presented to industry standards, and saved as one document.

6. The five names drawn will agree to pay an additional amount of $95 and send their document to Kesia within one week.


But wait – there’s more!

Critique Group Success Stories

Next up is a sneaky peek into successful (and enviable) critique groups. We’ll talk to members of stellar critique groups about what makes their group so fabulous and enduring. What makes these writers grow together so well? What can be done to enhance healthy cross-pollination? Is it annual retreats to the mountains? Is it the accountability or the wine?

All will be revealed in this inspirational session led by Kate Foster, the new coordinator of SCBWI QLD’s Gold Coast regional branch.

Tickets are $20 for current SCBWI members, $30 for guests.

Register here: