New PB for Maura Pierlot and Jorge Garcia Redondo

Congratulations to author Maura Pierlot and illustrator Jorge Garcia Redondo on the publication of

Alphabetter – A Better You and Me, from A to Z

a hardback non fiction picture book for ages 3+ published by Affirm Press

27 February 2024

Here is an alphabet that teaches us positive qualities and values to embrace a kinder, compassionate and more inclusive world. Ethicist Maura Pierlot presents fun, realistic scenarios and thought-provoking questions that will encourage children to make good choices.

Being better and creating a better world is as easy as A, B, C – adventurous, brave, considerate!

Book Launch

The Book Cow, Kingston ACT
Tuesday, 27 February 6pm

This is going on my wish list!

New PB For Caz Goodwin and Shaney Hyde

Congratulations to author Caz Goodwin and illustrator Shaney Hyde on the publication of

Little Matilda and the Lost Bunny

a hardback picture book for 3-7 year olds published by Marshall Cavendish Children

February 2024

Little Matilda loves her bunny. She takes it everywhere, even on a nature walk with her friend, Jack. When she realises her treasured bunny is missing, she cries, squeals and thumps her paws. Will Little Matilda ever find her bunny?

Little Matilda and the Lost Bunny is the third book in the Little Matilda series of picture books by Caz Goodwin and Shaney Hyde.

Book Launch

Little Matilda and the Lost Bunny will be launched on Sunday 3 March at Escape Hatch Books, 9 Strathalbyn Street, Kew East at 2.30pm. There will be singing, dancing, biscuits, bubbly and big Little Matilda. All welcome. RSVP:

New PB for Katrina McKelvey and Deb Hudson

Congratulations to author Katrina McKelvey and illustrator Deb Hudson for the publication of

My Heart

A hardback picture book for 4-8 year olds published by EK Books

01 March 2024

From a baby’s first smile until to the first day of school, these moments and all in-between fill a mother’s heart with joy, worry, pride and love.

Celebrate a journey of memories and emotions in this tribute to mothers everywhere.

'My Heart' began as a letter the author, Katrina, wrote to her daughter when she started kindergarten. It depicts the many ways a mother’s heart can experience love and emotion while her baby journeys through the milestones of growing up.

Book Launch

Sunday, 7th April 2024 @ 10am as part of the Newcastle Writers Festival Family Fun Day