New PB for Kaye Baillie and Diane Ewen

Congratulations to author Kaye Baillie and Illustrator Diane Ewen on the publication of

There Was a Young Bunny Who Swallowed an Egg

a paperback picture book for ages 3 + published by Macmillan Children's Books UK

01 February 2024

Everyone's heard about the old lady who swallowed a fly, but now it’s time to meet a little bunny who, just as the Easter Egg Hunt starts, swallows . . . an egg! A funny, cumulative rhyming story for everyone.

Sounds like a very interesting Easter Egg Hunt!

New JF for Tania Ingram

Congratulations to author Tania Ingram on the publication of

Aggie Flea Steals the Show!

Illustrated by Anne Yi

a paperback junior fiction for ages 7 + published by Scholastic Australia

01 March 2024

Book 2 in the hilarious Aggie Flea series.
The school play is almost here and Aggie wants the role of Web Legs! But Aggie’s stage time has always been a disaster! Will she break a leg or break the set?!

Book Trailer: Watch here.

Looks like loads of fun!

Inclusion of PB in Prep Bag for Kaye Baillie and Max Hamilton

Congratulations to author Kaye Baillie and illustrator Max Hamilton on the inclusion of

When the Waterhole Dries Up

a hard back picture book for ages 3+ published by Windy Hollow Books 2021

In the Victorian Government Prep Bag

On the first day of school for 2024, Prep kids in all Victorian Government primary schools received a Prep Bag which includes five specially selected picture books, including ours. This years theme is Explore. Learn. Enjoy. It's also in braille.

65,000 copies of each of the five books were printed.

What a fantastic initiative and a great book!