The Countdown is on - Sydney Conference 2016

‘If it’s not on my calendar, it simply won’t get done!’ I enjoy a love hate relationship with all my calendars (yes I have more than one). I love the sense of control carefully recorded events, chores, and deadlines give me as I observe them securely enclosed in their little individual squares. There’s no room for sloppy what ifs in a well-planned month of mine.

On the other hand, I hate being bound by duty and dates and would love to cast wide the shackles of time constraints in preference for a life less restricted and wildly unscheduled. However, for most of us, our first world existence doesn’t leave much room for such a devil-may-care approach and when there is only 32 weeks left until one of the next big things on the writing calendar, you're going to want to whip out your diary and clear some space for it.

Yes, it’s on again, the SCBWI Sydney Conference! These are the dates, Sunday 4 - Monday 5th September (NOTE: CHANGE OF DATES!!) and this is the low down…well I’ll have more low down for you soon for you see, I have the dubious honour of being this year’s official SCBWI Conference Blogger, (that's me in the blue blouse looking bonkers below).

Along with a trusty team of intra-national Roving Reporters, all the behind the scenes scoops, the tantalising anticipation and the bits that you’ve never really thought about before will be delivered to you, right here! Amongst some of the highlights, we'll be looking at lead up events like Writers in the Park, what's on offer for delegates and just who and what is behind the ticking heart of such an involved conference - namely the volunteers who help put together The Illustrator Showcase, portfolio pitches, book launches and more.

If you are a past conference delegate thinking of coming again, welcome back! We can’t wait to see you. If the 2016 Conference is your first, hold onto your pencils, you’re in for an unbelievably stimulating time.

Here are a couple of reminders of just how stimulated we were in 2014.

The 2014 Roving Reporter Team lead by Sheryl Gwyther

The 2014 Roving Reporter Team lead by Sheryl Gwyther

The 2014 Conference Delegates

The 2014 Conference Delegates

Keep your eyes peeled for future updates and program highlights on the SCBWI blog site If there is something you’d like this reporter to feature about the Conference, don’t forget to leave a comment or two! We’d love to hear from you because it’s your conference!

Until I leap into the next calendar square, Rove ya later!




SketchLook is an ongoing feature of the SCBWI Blog. It is a glimpse into the working process of artists, how we experiment, think through our ideas, stretch our imagination and observe the world. This is a glimpse at current work in progress, free doodles, rough drawings, and sketches from life. CLICK HERE to participate in SketchLook.


To get us started, we thought we'd give you a peek at our working drawings and sketchbooks:

Sarah Davis—I'm working on a book for Gecko Press, written by Juliette MacIver, called "That's Not A Hippopotamus!". For the first time I'm using an  A3 scrapbook to collect all my thoughts and scribblings. I really like this way of working, and it's great to have everything in one place and see how the ideas progress, so I think I might keep at it. Here you can see my attempts to develop all the characters - an entire class of schoolkids!

Marjorie Crosby-Fairall—I tend to use my sketchbook for "shorthand" notes and ideas while I'm thinking through a project. When I'm happy with a concept and rough layout I swap to separate sheets of paper which are often organised into notebooks. Unless I am working on a book, I usually develop the characters according to the requirements of the layout. 

A call-out for the next selection will be sent out in good time but members of SCBWI Australia East & New Zealand are invited to submit images at any time. Work should be scans or snapshots of sketchbook pages featuring sketches, drawings from life or working drawings. Up to five images, Jpeg format, 72 dpi, 750px width maximum. Kindly avoid overlaying text on images and other digital manipulation. CLICK HERE to submit images for SketchLook.