Midpoint of the Story Arc! - Conference Dinner Dance party

A night of fun, celebration, dancing and general hilarity until all hours!

Harry Lane performed his wonderful poem about our fearless leader Susanne to huge appreciation!

Presentation of Harper Collins Illustrated Portfolio Award

Winner gets a personal portfolio critique. Lisa Berryman said there was an outstanding range of entrants. (Donna Rawlins signed up 3 people from it!)

Winner:  Nicky Johnston


2016 Penguin Random House Award

Presented by Sarah Davis in lieu of Zoe Walton who was ill:

Winner: Sophie Blackhall–Cain

Andrea Pinkney Award

Judged by Claire Stuckey. She told us one entrant really stood out.


  • Anna McGregor – Haircuts by Hernando
  • Jenny Hale – Princess Cage
  • Reena Balding – Not My Rice
  • Sandy Fussell - Wraith

Winner: Dawn MeredithLetters from the Dead

Book launches:

Terry Whitebeach: When I Was a Boy in Sudan

Author and historian – believes that everyone’s story is important – Australian stories that haven’t been heard. Protagonist refugee Saraphino, but book made for all children everywhere. Group effort to complete the book: everyone did it for their belief in helping Sudanese kids in Australia. Also: When I wasa Girl in Sudan

Also in this range of books:

Pascalina  illustrated by Gay Mackinnon

Young adult novel. Terry realised she had to go to see the Mahdi people . Lots of photos for Gay brought back. Etihad flew 300 kg donated books for free. Local refugees love the book. All donated money goes to South Sudan.

Book launch by Claire Halifax:

Christina Booth, Scholastic, writer and illustrator

Too Many Sheep

We were treated to a highly entertaining puppet show duet by Christina and Claire. The manuscript was first shown to Claire at the last SCBWI conference!!

Christina designed the cover first as part of 52 Week Illustrating Challenge.

Christina gave a highly entertaining reading of her book.

Deb Abela then made the thanks and presentations to Susanne Gervay, Regional Adviser Australia New Zealand. Deb reiterated that Susanne’s the reason we’re all here – she’s organised the amazing fruits of SCBWI. A massive contribution!

A very special card, made by Christina Booth and signed by everyone was given to Susanne. Plus a box of wonderful care essentials eg a ‘No!’ paddle to say no to requests because she’s hopeless at it! Plus slippers, sleep mask, relaxing candle, do not disturb sign, writing notebook etc. Also a beautiful charm bracelet to remind her of all her lovely books. And a pendant with a quote from Elephants Have Wings inside of it.

AND an amazing book engraved with a superb illustration of The Hughenden in the front, signed (and sometimes illustrated) by everyone.

Susanne said that our SCBWI is one of the special writing communities of the world.           

Evening rounded out by a rousing group singalong – a special song for Susanne song to the tune of Rawhide!

Then we danced the night away to the sound ofthe fabulous Beatknickers,  SCBWI’s own band. Thanks to a couple of intrepid ring-ins!

What a party!!!!!!

By Charlotte Calder


Photos Courtesy of Denzo Alker, Leigh Roswen and Dimity Powell Rovers at large






What a party!!!!!!


 By Charlotte Calder











Musa Ulasowski wins 2016 International Book Award

Congrats to Musa Ulasowski as the illustrator of the award winning

Forest Wonder

written by Caroline Tuohey

Forest Wonder.jpg

Published by CEW Ink , in paperback

For ages 0 - 5

The winner of the US 2016 International Book Award, Softcover Fiction category, Forest Wonder is a rhyming picture book set in the Australian bush about a group of animals who enjoy a forest party on a moonlit night. It celebrates the wonders of nature and encourages children to use their imagination.

Caroline found Muza through Illustrators Australia for this exciting self published collaboration.

Looks fab - congrats again Muza!

SCBWI ACT Have Been Busy


December finished with lots of celebrations. 

It was a packed crowd at the ACT Writers Centre Book of the Year Awards for 2015 and an exciting time with two of our members- Pauline Deeves winning the 2015 ACT  Publishing and Writing Award- Children’s Fiction Category for her book Midnight Burial, and Tania McCartney awarded Highly Commended for her picture book Tottie and Dot. 

Congratulations ladies.

Our SCBWI Christmas gathering rocked. We had a terrific turn up for drinks at The Mint Bar, Arts Gorman House. Loads of chatting, drinking, eating, laughing and some discussion for ideas and new adventures for 2016.

Popular ideas suggested: In the beautiful months of Autumn, head out of town on a rural writing/illustrating escapade. Literary lunches on a Sunday that may include a winery, and ‘Show and Tell’ events with new and visiting guest speakers. Plenty more to come in general meetings. This year is the year of conferences so we shall work around dates for those.

Our first meeting for the year is scheduled for late February/early March and plans and dates to be confirmed for our year ahead. 

The ACT membership is growing and we had the privilege to meet some new members at xmas drinks.

SCBWI ACT was included in a blog on Capital Letters by Shu-Ling Chua, current blogger in residence at the ACT Writers Centre. Canberra’s Literary scene is exploding with creativity! To read more http://actwritersblog.com/2016/01/12/a-literary-guide-to-canberra/

2016 also brings a new and exciting interaction for three SCBWI members, Tania McCartney, Irma Gold and Tracey Hawkins who have been invited to be Ambassador’s for the ACT Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge. More details to come later.

It looks to be a very active, fun year ahead for SCWBI ACT.